PDIP Politician Henry Yosodiningrat Urges The Police To Continue Reporting On Rizieq Shihab

JAKARTA - PDIP politician Henry Yosodiningrat urged Polda Metro Jaya to follow up on his report against Rizieq Shihab. The report was related to the alleged defamation.

"I asked the Polda Metro to follow up on my police report," Henry told reporters, Wednesday, November 11.

Originally the allegation of defamation was reported in 2017. The reporting was registered under the number LP / 529 / I / 2017 / PMJ / Ditreskrimsus.

Henry said the encouragement was for the police to immediately follow up on the report because Rizieq Shihab was already in Indonesia.

"I just asked what the obstacles were, in the past I could understand because the person concerned was not in Indonesia. Now yesterday, he continued," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding case developments, Henry said that so far there has been no progress since the reporting process. Because after the report was submitted, Rizieq soon left Indonesia.

"Still under investigation (investigation) of course because it was only a few weeks after I reported it. Then the person concerned left for Umrah," he said.

Henry Yosodiningrat once reported Rizieq Shihab on the allegation of defamation. This is because he is called a politician with a communist orientation. Apart from that, Henry is also said to be hostile to Muslims. He is even said to be a politician who is boarding at the PDIP.