Akhyar Nasution: All Parties Are Contracted But We Are Not Afraid, Our Strength Is In Ulama

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Candidate Akhyar Nasution talked about the Medan Pilkada contest with Bobby Nasution's competitor who is supported by many parties. Akhyar who is paired with deputy mayor candidate Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Regional Election stressed that he is not afraid to face the big coalition of Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman.

"All parties are bought up. Luckily there are Democrats and PKS. But against many parties we are not afraid, Sir. Because our strength is in the ulama, religious leaders, traditional leaders, ustaz and ustazah as well as community leaders, we are sure that prayer and prayer can lead us to become guardians. city and deputy mayor of Medan, "said Akhyar during the AMAN activity with Wasilah Ulama in Medan, Wednesday, November 11.

Akhyar Nasution, candidate number 1 in the Medan Pilkada emphasized that Medan has diversity. Its citizens are diligent in worshiping and their young people respect their parents. These values of life are called Akhyar to be preserved.

"Because building a city is building civilization. We must build a city to support it, but being a civil society is the core of making Medan civilized and has character," said Akhyar.

Akhyar Nasution also referred to the leadership of the caliph Umar Bin Khattab, who did not let any of his people go hungry. So he also has an ATM Rice program and advances the North Medan area.

"In Medan there are around 2,000 mosques. We will try to have a Rice ATM. Later, people who are able to donate rice and those who cannot use the rice. All transactions will be managed by mosque administrators, so that no people are hungry. We will also maximize time. What has been done for 3 years and a half. What is clear is that we will use a priority scale, "he said.

Meanwhile, the North Medan Wasilah Ulama Coordinator, Ustadh Hafifuddin Akbar, emphasized that religious, traditional and community leaders were not the winning team.

"The gathering of the scholars is to pray and hopefully the power of prayer and prayer can deliver our dreams and Pak Akhyar and Salman become leaders of Medan City," he said.

This event was attended by 20 North Medan traditional leaders, as well as ustaz and ustazah from Medan Deli, Medan Belawan, Medan Labuhan and Medan Marelan. The activity was also interspersed with the use of songket, plain flour and wages to prospective leaders of Medan City.