Considering The Need For Revocation Of Romahurmuziy's Political Rights

JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Romahurmuziy was sentenced to two years in prison. He was found guilty in a case of buying and selling positions at the Ministry of Religion. The Jakarta Corruption Court, in its verdict, did not revoke Rommy's political rights. In fact, the KPK public prosecutor (JPU) demanded that Rommy be sentenced to four years in prison and revoked his political rights.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) regrets that the Judge's decision was lighter than that of the Prosecutor. ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana assessed that the Corruption Court Judge should be able to impose the maximum sentence on Rommy. Kurnia assessed that the judges seemed to have ignored the prosecutor's demands for political rights revocation.

"It is clear that the defendant used his political influence when committing the crime of corruption. So deprivation of political rights should absolutely be imposed on the person concerned," said Kurnia in a written statement to VOI, Tuesday, January 21.

According to him, the revocation of political rights is an important instrument in providing a deterrent effect on corruption cases. "This is solely done so that the public will no longer be faced with political contestants who have a bad track record," he said, hoping that the Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission filed an appeal for this case.

Waiting for an appeal from the KPK

Acting (Plt) KPK spokesman Ali Fikri said the KPK prosecutors were still studying the decision, including the failure to grant the demand to revoke the defendant's political rights.

"The prosecutor will first study the considerations contained in the verdict. Of course, we will get a complete verdict from the panel of judges. Then we learn about the decision of the panel of judges that did not grant the revocation of political rights from the defendant," Ali said to journalists at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, Tuesday, January 21.

In addition to studying the judge's decision, said Ali, the KPK would also learn more about the involvement of former Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Syaifudin in this case.

"The prosecution has considered the facts, among others, as material for the panel of judges in making decisions related to Article 55," he explained.

"Is it different, that's why we will further study the facts from the judge's decision relating to Pak Lukman," Ali added.

Romahurmuziy was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the Jakarta Corruption Eradication Committee. Romi was found guilty of accepting bribes totaling Rp. 346.4 million from Haris Hasanuddin and Muafaq Wirahadi for buying and selling positions at the Ministry of Religion.

"Sentenced Romi to imprisonment for 2 years, a fine of Rp. 100 million or if he does not pay the fine, he will be replaced by imprisonment for 3 months," Judge Fazal Hendri said when reading out Rommy's verdict at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, Monday, January 20. .