Instagram Removes The IGTV Button Because It Is Less Popular

Jakarta - Shocking news came from the world's largest social media, Instagram. Not long ago they decided to remove the IGTV feature button on the main application homepage.

IGTV is actually dedicated to increasing the duration of video shows, which previously could only be broadcast for one minute on Instagram. This feature was first introduced by Instagram in 2018 so that it can compete with YouTube's popularity.

Instagram homepage without IGTV button (mashable)

Launching from Techcrunch, the decision to remove the IGTV feature button on its home page was due to its unpopularity and few users accessing the icon. Because in 18 months, only 7 million users have downloaded the IGTV standalone application, which is inversely proportional to the number of Instagram users of nearly 1 billion.

"As we continue to work to make it easier for people to create and find IGTV content, we've learned that most people find IGTV content through previews on the Feed, IGTV channels in Explore, creator profiles and standalone apps. Very few click the IGTV icon in the top right corner. the main screen on the Instagram application, "a Facebook spokesperson told TechCrunch, Tuesday, January 21.

Even though this shortcut button is removed, it does not mean that Instagram removes the IGTV feature entirely. Users can still access IGTV content by opening Instagram Explore, then pressing the plus (+) button if they want to upload IGTV videos.

Instagram's omitted IGTV button place (TechCrunch)

"We always try to keep Instagram as simple as possible, so we removed this icon based on learning and feedback from our community," he continued.

The exact reason why Instagram removed the IGTV shortcut button from its home page is not certain. However, not a few social media users suspect IGTV's features and services are unable to compete with YouTube or Facebook Watch.

Even if Instagram users do not need a separate application from IGTV to watch videos with a longer duration. Because the IGTV feature is already embedded in the main application and can be accessed via in-feed, tabs from the Expore page, promo stickers in Stories, and profile tabs.

It doesn't stop there, the lack of monetization on Instagram is one of the reasons creators don't want to upload their content on IGTV and still choose YouTube. A report reported by Bloomberg states that the only financial support that Facebook and Instagram offer to IGTV creators is reimbursement of production costs, not advertising like on YouTube.

Instagram Explorer view without IGTV (TechCrunch)

This isn't the first time Instagram has removed some of its feature buttons. Previously, social media, which is now under the auspices of Facebook, also had time to remove the 'Activity' tab feature. Where users can no longer see their following activities, following or liking photos of other users.

The loss of the 'Activity' tab was a trending topic on Twitter and Reddit. Some users agree, because it is considered a way for stalkers, but there are those who argue the opposite.