Suharso Monoarfa's Corruption Allegation Begins To Be Followed Up By KPK, Reporting Persons Asked To Add Evidence

JAKARTA - The Reporting Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bapennas Suharso Monoarfa, Chairman of the Indonesia Youth Community Network (IYCN) Fadli Rumakefing has been asked for clarification. He admitted that he was asked to complete additional evidence on his report.

"KPK is waiting for some input or evidence from us, when it is complete it will be followed up," Fadli told reporters at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 26.

Fadli, who was accompanied by his attorney, Asep Ubaidilah, appreciated the KPK's steps to begin investigating Suharso's alleged corruption.

In this alleged corruption report, Fadli attached a number of photo evidence of Suharso's trip using private jet facilities. The chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) is suspected of receiving private jet facilities for visits to several areas from his colleagues.

In addition, he is also said to have received private jet facilities for visits to several areas from his colleagues.

In several visits, Suharso is also suspected of using state facilities to come to party events and using a special plane which is suspected of being a gratuity.

In addition, Fadli also reported Suharso's assets that were odd based on the state administrator's wealth report (LHKPN).

Reporting from, Suharso reported his total assets of Rp. 3.235 billion on December 29, 2003. Then, Suharso's assets fell to Rp. 84,279 million in 2018.

However, in 2019 his wealth jumped to IDR 59.861 billion. Then, in 2020 this figure will increase to Rp. 69.793 billion and will increase again to Rp. 73.064 billion in 2021.

Fadli hopes that the KPK will consistently investigate the alleged corruption committed by Suharso. Moreover, when he was clarified, the anti-corruption commission had already conveyed its commitment.

"We hope that the KPK is still independent, so that it can take firm action against any state administrators who violate it," concluded Fadli.