Borobudur Temple Is Covered By Tarps To Anticipate Merapi Eruption

MAGELANG - The Borobudur Conservation Center (BKB) closed the stupa and hallway of Borobudur Temple with paulin tarpaulin. The stupa was closed in anticipation of the eruption of Mount Merapi, which is currently increasing its activity status from alert to alert.

Head of BKB Wiwit Kasiyati in Magelang, Central Java, Wednesday, said that the BKB closed 32 stupas on the 8th floor and the 1st round aisle floors.

"We hold this cover as a preventive effort. We take preventive and anticipatory measures so that later when the eruption occurs and the direction of the ashes to Magelang, we will cover Borobudur Temple," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 11.

According to Wiwit, the paulin tarpaulin had been laid out in the hallway on the 1st floor, while on the other floors it had not been held but had already been prepared on site.

"Not all of them are closed, but the covers are ready in place. So if the eruption and the ashes point to Magelang, we will immediately close the uncovered stupa. This tarpaulin is durable and does not damage the rock," he said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Borobudur Cultural Heritage Area Maintenance Working Group, Bramantara said that the management of world cultural heritage has a disaster management system. This is a form of response to disasters.

Bramantara said that the experience of the eruption of Merapi in 2010 was difficult to clean up, so he is now monitoring developments.

"Yesterday's experience was quite difficult for us to clean up, so now we are continuing to monitor the development of Merapi," he said.