Anies Meets Rizieq Shihab, Gerindra: Don't Make A Big Deal

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the DPRD from the Gerindra Faction, Mohamad Taufik, asked the public not to question the meeting between DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

Taufik considered that Anies' visit to Rizieq's residence after returning to Indonesia after three years of living in Saudi Arabia was just an ordinary meeting as a citizen.

"That's an ordinary meeting of Rizieq as a citizen, Anies as governor. I think the meeting is just a regular one, don't question it," said Taufik when contacted, Wednesday, November 11.

Taufik also responded to the question of Rizieq Shihab who did not carry out independent isolation after traveling from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to him, the most important thing is that Rizieq continues to implement health protocols.

"Yes, it's okay (no self-isolation). When I found out there was a health protocol, I saw that I was wearing a mask. Why is it so complicated, huh? Using a mask, it has been guarded," explained Taufik.

Anies previously planned to meet Rizieq this morning. However, it turned out that Anies had accelerated the visit time to last night.

This was revealed in uploading a photo on the Instagram account of the Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Tengku Zulkarnain, namely @ In the photo, Tengku takes a photo with Anies, Rizieq, and Rizieq's son-in-law, Hanif Alatas.

Tengku said that the reason for the accelerated meeting time was because he saw Rizieq's condition, who still needed rest after traveling from Saudi Arabia for hours.

If the meeting is held after the dawn congregation prayer time, it will cause a crowd. Thus, Rizieq's rest time was also reduced.

"At dawn, there are too many people. We feel sorry that he wants to rest. Last (night) was fast, at half past nine it was over," said Tengku.

Tengku also said that the second meeting did not discuss political matters. Anies and Rizieq were just chatting lightly while drinking tea because they had not seen each other for a long time.

"Nothing (discussing politics). Drinking tea just let go of longing for friends, friends, being healthy, that's nice," he said.