The Pinisi Ship Carrying The Presidential Journalists Reversed In Labuan Bajo

JAKARTA - The pinisi ship carrying a group of presidential journalists capsized in Labuan Bajo. This ship sank after being hit by big waves while going back to the dock.

"Suddenly it was so fast, the waves were like real seconds, and immediately reversed (the ship)," said one of the reporters who participated in the group, Desca Lidya Natalia by telephone, Tuesday, January 21.

He and six other people survived this disaster. However, a number of Desca's belongings were lost. In addition, Desca's right hand was bruised after the incident.

"Somehow my hand was bruised, somehow it became swollen like the right one," he said.

The staff of the Manggarai Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Hans said, the location of the capsized vessel was close to Bidadari Island Labuan Bajo. He said, this accident occurred possibly because of high waves.

"All passengers and crew members survived. The cause of the incident was probably due to high waves," said Hans in his written statement.

Hans added, BPBD is coordinating with SAR and other related agencies to handle this problem.

It is known that President Jokowi has been carrying out a working visit to Labuan Bajo since Sunday, January 19 to review the 'multipurpose' terminal construction project in Labuan Bajo and to inspect the Puncak Waringin area.

In addition, Jokowi will also inaugurate tourism support facilities, namely state-owned hotels. Jokowi returned to Jakarta on Tuesday, January 21.