Bobby Nasution Learns About Floating Houses In Tanjungpinang, Will Be Implemented In Medan Belawan

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution studied the construction and arrangement of floating house areas in Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands, and will be implemented in the coastal area of Belawan.

"We were present in Tanjungpinang City last week to see firsthand the arrangement of slum areas in Bugis Village through floating houses, and to help overcome the problem of tidal flooding," Bobby Nasution said in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 25.

The concept of structuring slum areas in Medan City, he continued, could be overcome by following the example of what has been done by the Tanjungpinang City Government, Riau Islands.

Bobby Nasution admitted, as an example, Kampung Bugis, which used to be known as a slum coastal area, has now shifted into a new tourist destination, Kampung Pelangi and attracts tourists to visit.

"We have launched a major development in Belawan, namely that residents' houses will be built with a floating concept or houses on stilts so that they are not easily inundated by tidal floods," said Bobby.

The mayor of Medna also admitted that he was grateful for the development plan and the arrangement of the Belawan area, because it was assisted by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

"So our task is less by helping to build floating houses, and overcoming the handling of tidal floods. This is also our effort to overcome poverty in Belawan," he explained.

"It's not suitable if it's just aid, but it must also be sustainable through the development of the northern part of Medan, so that the economy in Belawan also increases," continued Bobby Nasution.

The chairman of the DPD Real Estate Indonesia for North Sumatra, Andi Atmoko Panggabean, at the end of last May said that the readiness to realize the construction of floating houses to overcome the problem of tidal flooding in Belawan.

"The floating house programmed by Mr. Bobby Nasution is certainly a solution to the problem of tidal flooding. This is a big challenge for us, and we are ready to help the Medan City Government. Hopefully it will be realized soon," he said.