Had Disconnected Due To Landslide, Padang-Solok Line Now Can Be Passed

SUMBAR - The Padang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that the road in the Sireview Lauik area that connects Padang City and Solok Regency is now accessible for vehicles. Landslides had covered the road.

The Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD Padang Basril said the landslide occurred at 12.14 WIB because it had been raining since morning until now.

"Now at 15.15 WIB the route can be passed by vehicles after cleaning the landslide material," he said in Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Monday, July 25.

According to him, to evacuate landslide material, there is heavy equipment from the PUPR Ministry that helps clean up, but for small materials, his party cooperates with related parties to do the cleaning.

Small materials such as gravel, mud and stones are still scattered on the site and are dangerous for passing vehicles. The route, he continued, was a hike and the material and rainwater that had fallen since morning made the location vulnerable.

"Especially large trucks carrying goods and also small cars so that we do cleaning so that the path can be passed properly," he said.

He said that the landslide that occurred in the Panorama II area of Silihat Lauik was due to high rainfall and for a long period of time.

"This area had landslides yesterday and due to high rainfall. We invite people who cross this route to be careful because it is an area prone to landslides," he said.

Previously, the Acting Head of BPBD Padang Arfian asked the public to be careful and alert when outside the house during high rainfall accompanied by strong winds.

"Especially in areas prone to landslides or in areas with lots of trees and large billboards," he said.