KSP Networks Public Aspirations About The Job Creation Law, Ngabalin Meets Students

JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office held the KSP Listening Program to gather as much input as possible from various groups of society regarding the Job Creation Law and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ali Mochtar Ngabalin revealed that through this program KSP would absorb a lot of input from various groups.

"KSP will absorb a lot of input from various groups, including students, and we will convey it back to the President regarding anything, including the Job Creation Law," said Ngabalin as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 10.

The KSP Hearing program with the theme "Socialization of the Work Creation and Vaccination Law for COVID-19" was held in Serang, Banten. This event was attended by students. There, Ngabalin conveyed that the Job Creation Law would help productive age job seekers in Indonesia.

"The Job Creation Law is present in opening the widest possible workspace for young Indonesians," said Ngabalin during a dialogue with student representatives in Serang.

In addition, Ngabalin also assured that the Job Creation Law would make it easier for any business entity license by cutting doors or bureaucracy. The goal is to prevent illegal levies in the bureaucracy and avoid cumbersome licensing.

Currently, said Ngabalin, there are around 64.19 million micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) and 75 percent of that number are engaged in informal sectors.

"So the Job Creation Law is here to motivate people to open independent businesses by making licensing easier," he said.

In a pandemic situation, said Ngabalin, the government always opens all the information it has and always delivers it to the public. Moreover, people need to adjust to the adaptation period for new habits (IMR).

As for the COVID-19 pandemic, Ngabalin views that its development is still very dynamic. Therefore, he emphasized that the 3M implementation campaign, namely washing hands, maintaining distance, and wearing masks, must continue to be encouraged.

Meanwhile, Januar Eka Nugraha, representative of the Jabodetabek-Banten Islamic Student Association Coordinating Board, on this occasion questioned the government's communication strategy which had only implemented socialization after the law was passed.

Januar sees the need for the government to guarantee that the Job Creation Law will open up wide job opportunities.

"There needs to be a guarantee from the government in convincing the public that this law will open up wide job opportunities," said Januar.

It is planned that the KSP Hearing program will be held in eight cities. Various elements of society can provide input through the program.