Witnesses At The Pinangki Congregation Claimed To Be Close To Ma'ruf Amin, The Spokesman Denied

JAKARTA - The news of the closeness between Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Rahmat, a witness in the gratification case of the Supreme Court fatwa at the Jakarta Corruption Court was denied by Ma'ruf's spokesman, Masduki Baidlowi.

According to him, there is no special relationship between Ma'ruf and Rahmat, especially with regard to the case that ensnared Pinangki Sirna Malasari, also known as Prosecutor Pinangki.

According to Masduki, the two of them got to know each other during the momentum of the 2019 Presidential Election (Pilpres) campaign. At that time, Ma'ruf as a vice-presidential candidate could not refuse those who came to get acquainted with him and asked for a group photo.

"So with regard to witness Rahmat, he did come to the vice president. Especially during the campaign period he approached him, asking for a photo," Masduki said when contacted by reporters, Tuesday, November 10.

He emphasized that at that time it was not only Rahmat who wanted to get acquainted with the former PBNU Rais Aam. But a number of other officials from various elements did the same thing, even after Ma'ruf became Vice President.

"Not only him, there are many other people too. That's why the relationship did happen, but there was no relationship whatsoever," he said.

"Even a number of officials, the TNI, the police came to the office. It is common for the vice president to come to the office. So there is no connection whatsoever. Moreover, the case of cases has nothing to do with it," he added.

Previously, the panel of chief judges at the Supreme Court, Salim, investigated Rahmat's relationship with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in the trial of the alleged gratification of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa arrangement, with the defendant Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

This was investigated by the judge because on the cell phone owned by Attorney Pinangki, Rahmat's name was written or stored as 'Rahmat-Ma'ruf Amin'.

However, Rahmat argued that he did not know about it. But in the end, he revealed that he was close to Ma'ruf Amin.

"I used to be close to Pak Ma'ruf Amin, I always went together with him," said Rahmat during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 9.

Rahmat said that his closeness had been established before Ma'ruf Amin served as Vice President. At that time Ma'ruf Amin was still the chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). "(Proximity, ed) the last three years," he said.

But Rahmat did not explain the origin of his close relationship with Ma'ruf Amin. It is only said that after serving as Vice President, he was no longer intense in meeting with Ma'ruf Amin.

"I like meeting but not intense anymore," he said.

It is known that Rahmat began to be associated with this case after his photo circulated on social media, which showed him with, Attorney Pinangki, Anita Kolopaking and Djoko Tjandra abroad.

In addition, Rahmat was the person who brought Pinangki to meet Djoko Tjandra in Kuala Lumpur in September 2019.