Demo Reject Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja Disbanded, Officials Move Quickly To Clean Up Garbage

JAKARTA - The mass of the Workers' Movement with the People (Gebrak) disbanded after voicing rejection of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Not long after, the Public Facilities and Infrastructure Handling Worker (PPSU) officers immediately cleaned the streets of garbage.

Based on VOI observation in the field, the crowd consisting of a combination of labor unions and student groups disbanded at around 18.45 WIB, Tuesday, November 10. They disbanded peacefully after taking off the banners they had put up even though they left trash at the location of the action.

Officers cleaning up after the protest mass rejecting the Work Creation Law disbanded from the Arjuna Statue area, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 10 (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Furthermore, at around 18.50 WIB PPSU officers immediately cleaned up the trash by sweeping and picking up any plastic or banners that were left behind. After the garbage is collected, the officers then lift it onto the waiting truck.

At around 19.00 WIB, traffic from Jalan Budi Kemulia towards Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan has also been opened. Likewise, from the direction of MH Thamrin to the same road it has also been opened.

Traffic conditions in the Arjuna Statue area of Jakarta (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

It is known that the Gebrak crowd planned to hold an action until 20.00 WIB. However, the police apparatus asked the masses to immediately disperse and the negotiations to cancel reaching an agreement.

Before disbanding, the protesters lit candles and prayed together led by a number of religious leaders.