Bobby Nasution Turns Lake Martubung Into Infiltration Pools To Prevent Medan City Floods, Targeted For Completion By The End Of 2023

MEDAN - Pemko Medan wants to make Lake Martubung as an infiltration pond to overcome the flooding that has been happening so far. This artificial lake which has an area of about 10 hectares will also be used as a water tourism to support the economy of local residents with a target of completing its construction by the end of 2023.

This was revealed when the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution inspected Lake Mertubung at the Griya Martubung Housing Estate, Jalan Tanggul Raya, Besar Kelurahan, Medan Labuhan District.

According to Bobby Nasution, the first phase of construction carried out was to function Martubung Lake for flood prevention in the area. As is well known, the area is prone to flooding. Every time it rains, many houses are flooded.

"We will turn Lake Martubung into an infiltration pond. Its main function is to deal with flooding. There is about 1 hectare in the pool area which we will use as a reservoir and we will return the water to Lake Martubung. We will ask for more from the Environment Service," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from a statement from the Medan City Communication and Information Office, Sunday, July 24.

Bobby Nasution said that the Environment Agency asked for more for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) so that the water entering Martubung Lake could actually be used as a treatment for the water.

In addition to flood management, its main function, said Bobby Nasution, must also be seen from an economic perspective. Because, the reservoir can also be used as a tourist spot.

"After we build the reservoir and make it good and its main function as flood management has functioned, then the next function is to support the economy around the area. That will be through tourism. Hopefully later you can enjoy water tourism in Martubung Lake," he said.