Demonstrating Rejecting Job Creation Law, Gebrak Masses Bring Octopus Dolls And Voice No-Beliefs Motion

JAKARTA - The community alliance who is part of the Joint People's Labor Movement (Gebrak) took action against Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation in the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue Area, Jalan Medan, Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta.

In this action, the masses brought a giant stuffed octopus. According to VOI's observation in the field, this stuffed octopus is green with a black pattern with nine tentacles. This doll was placed in the middle of the crowd who were sitting listening to the orator's speech on the command car.

A mass of protesters who sat around the octopus doll admitted that this doll was deliberately made by the workers as a symbol of resistance to oligarchic rule.

This doll, he continued, is also a symbol of the government and the power of the oligarchy that exploits the little people through the Job Creation Law. This is because the law is considered to have the potential to exploit the welfare of workers, natural resources and people's lands.

"This is a form of exploitation for the welfare of the little people. The Job Creation Law has exacerbated this exploitation," said a demonstration participant who declined to give his name, Tuesday, November 10.

Apart from carrying octopus dolls, a number of orators continued to speak out against the Job Creation Law. One of them was the Gebrak Spokesperson, Nining Elitos, who in her speech voiced rejection and called for a motion of no confidence against the government to continue.

Demonstration at the Horse Statue in Jakarta, Tuesday 10 November (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

He asked the labor movement, students and students to keep moving together to voice resistance.

"The strength of the people's resistance must continue to be inflated," said Nining from the top of the command car.

The aspirations for rejection, he continued, should no longer be entrusted to the elite and political parties. Because the government doesn't listen to the people, Nining thinks they are making things difficult for the people.

"Why do we say a motion of no confidence comrades? Because of the evidence of the Job Creation Law. The motion of disbelief because they knocked the hammer in the middle of the night during the pandemic," he said.

Demonstration at the Horse Statue area in Jakarta, Tuesday 10 November (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Regarding the current condition in the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area at around 16.30 WIB, the demonstration masses against the Job Creation Law were still listening to orators from the orator. The plan, this action will be held until 20.00 WIB.

In addition to being filled with mass action, traders also appeared to be earning a fortune by selling snacks, packaged noodles, and soft drinks.