Selection Of Candidates For DKI Regional Secretary, 10 Anies' Subordinates Will Take Interview Test

JAKARTA - The open selection committee for middle high leadership positions has determined 10 candidates for DKI Regional Secretary who have passed the written test and paper, as well as competency assessment.

One of the candidates who will be chosen will replace the former DKI Regional Secretary, Saefullah, who died on 16 September.

The ten candidates who passed are officials within the DKI Provincial Government. Previously, there were 18 candidates who passed the administrative selection. However, four DKI officials and four ASNs from outside DKI were declared not to have passed the next stage.

The results of this selection were announced by the Deputy Governor of DKI for Population and Settlement Control as chairman of the selection committee, Suharti, in announcement No. 9 of 2020.

"The names of participants in the Open Selection for the Position of Regional Secretary and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta who passed the Competency Assessment Test are participants with a Competency Assessment score above 68.00," Suharti wrote in an announcement received, Monday, November 9.

Suharti said, open selection participants who passed the competency assessment test would take the interview test. The schedule and location of the interview test will be further informed.

"Open selection participants who pass the competency assessment test but do not take the interview test are considered to have resigned and are not allowed to take the next stage," Suharti explained.

Here are 10 candidates for the DKI Regional Secretary who will take the interview test:

1. Marullah Matali (Mayor of South Jakarta)

2. Sri Haryati (Official of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary / Assistant for the Economy and Finance of the Regional Secretariat)

3. Sigit Wijatmoko (Mayor of North Jakarta)

4. Yusmada Faizal (Assistant for Development and Environment of the Regional Secretariat)

5. Andri Yansyah (Head of the Department of Manpower, Transmigration and Energy)

6. Dhany Sukma (Head of Population and Civil Registry Service)

7. Faisal Syafruddin (BUMD Board of Trustees)

8. Bayu Meghantara (Mayor of Central Jakarta)

9. Edi Sumantri (Regional Tax and Retribution Agency)

10. Arifin (Head of Civil Service Police Unit)