Had Fleeed To Jakarta, Haornas 2018 Ternate Corruption Suspect Successfully Arrested

JAKARTA - The Ternate District Attorney's Special Crime Team (Pidsus), North Maluku, has detained one suspect in the alleged corruption case of the 2018 Ternate National Sports Day (Haornas) with the suspect YC. in Bekasi, West Java, and taken to Ternate, then detained at the Ternate Police detention center for 20 days," said Head of Special Unit for the Special Task Force at the Ternate Attorney's Office, Fajar Hidayat, quoting Antara, Saturday, July 23. , July 22, at around 17.30 WIT with Lion Air airline after being secured from Jakarta on Thursday, July 21. He said the suspect YC before being taken to Ternate was temporarily deposited at the South Jakarta Kejari Rutan after being arrested in one place in Serang Baru, Bekasi, West Java, on Thursday morning at around 01.05 WIB by the Intelligence Monitoring Sub Division of the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) RI. In handling the case, investigators conduct inspections related to the use of the generator rental budget, "sound system", equipment, and other equipment suspected of having problems. The 2018 Haornas activities are sourced from two budgets, namely the APBN worth Rp. 2.5 billion and the Regional Budget of Ternate City worth Rp. 2.8 billion.

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"After being detained, the suspect was temporarily placed in the South Jakarta District Attorney's Rutan and then we took him to Ternate," he said. Fajar admitted that YC had previously been a fugitive witness for about 2 months, but YC was not cooperative when summoned by investigators. a legal summons, as a witness, but was not heeded so that the investigative team took other actions in the form of carrying out activities by force with the help of the AGO's Intelligence Monitoring Sub-Sector Team," said Fajar. He added that the suspect YC had previously lived in a rented house in Condet, Keramat Jati District, East Jakarta. For his actions, YC was threatened with being subject to Articles 2 and 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 1999. 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption with the threat of maxim al 20 years in prison. "In Article 3 the maximum prison sentence is 15 years, if the weighting is a maximum of 20 years in prison," said Fajar. YC is the Director of CV NK as the creative team at the national committee for Haornas activities, he was upgraded from witness to suspect on Wednesday, 20 July 2022, based on the Letter of Determination of the Head of the Ternate District Attorney concerning the Determination of the Suspect Number: TAP - 02/Q.2.10/Fd.2/07/2022 and detained based on an arrest warrant as stated in the Arrest Warrant of the Head of the Ternate District Attorney Number: PRINT-579 /Q.2.10/Fd.2/07/2022 dated July 21, 2022, was made after the prosecutor had obtained at least two sufficient pieces of evidence, and the suspect was deemed uncooperative with the summons of the prosecutor.