An Elderly Dies Among The Crowd To Pick Up Rizieq Shihab

JAKARTA - The Palmerah Police Criminal Investigation Unit is investigating the death of an elderly man named Sotong (74) in a crowd of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) welcoming the arrival of FPI leader Rizieq Shihab in the Slipi area, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 10.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Palmerah AKP Hariyanto said, after examining the body, it was suspected that the elderly had a heart attack.

"We are still investigating the causes," said Hariyanto in Jakarta, quoted by Antara.

The identification team took data on the bodies of residents from Bogor, West Java at the Slipi Flyover.

The examination of Sotong's body had attracted the attention of the masses around the location.

Sotong's body is covered with newspapers and covered with black flags bearing the words tauhid. Subsequently, police officers covered him with a body bag and took an ambulance to the hospital for an autopsy.

From the information gathered, this elderly man is a fish seller who came to welcome Rizieq Shihab's return. He brought the cart when he was in the Slipi area, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

Rizieq Shihab officially arrived at his residence in Petamburan, Central Jakarta at around 13:20 WIB today.

Before entering KS Tubun Street, the masses were lined up waiting for Rizieq to arrive. Some of them lifted their cell phones up high to record Rizieq's arrival. Some of them climbed the railing of the house to the bus stop.

Firecrackers exploded before Rizieq's arrival. The sound of singing selawat accompanied by tambourine music was blared. The Islamic Defenders Army (LPI) is preparing to form a line to open the road for the motorcade that Rizieq is carrying.

The crowd of supporters shouted to welcome Rizieq. They waved to Rizieq. From the top of the car, Rizieq also waved back in all directions. The son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, appeared beside Rizieq.