A Thousand Candles Action And Prayers For Brigadier J At The HI Roundabout, Hoping That The Perpetrators Will Be Revealed Soon

JAKARTA - Dozens of people staged a thousand candlelight action at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout, Menteng District, Central Jakarta, Friday, July 22, evening.

This activity is a form of humanitarian solidarity for the tragedy of the death of Brigadier Joshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J which occurred in a cruel, sadistic and terrible manner.

Saor Siagian, a member of the Law Enforcement and Justice Advocates Team (TAMPAK) said the activities he carried out tonight were a form of strong condemnation of the violence experienced by Brigadier Joshua.

"How did this murder come to light? So this evening it was initiated by Tampak that blamed the candles and prayed with the hope that Brigadier Joshua Hutabarat would reveal the killer soon," he said at the HI Roundabout, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday night, July 22.

Saor is grateful that the National Police Headquarters today has released the case of Joshua's murder and his status has been raised to investigation. "We are grateful that the National Police Headquarters has released today the murder of Joshua, the investigation has been stepped up," he said.

According to him, in the case of Brigadier Joshua, until now the handling of the case has not led to who the perpetrators or suspects are. That's why until now the victim's family and the public are still waiting for the tragedy of Joshua Hutabarat's death to be revealed to the public.

The victim's family and the public are still expecting the police to properly enforce the law to resolve the case of Brigadier Joshua.

Menteng Metro Police Chief AKBP Netty Rosdiana Siagian said 80 joint personnel from the Sector Police, Polres, Polda and Brimob were deployed to the location to secure the action of a thousand candles.

"We ask for disbandment, not forcibly disbanded, yes, so we urge you to understand the rules. This activity blames a thousand candles on sympathizers," said AKBP Netty at the location.

Netty explained that there was no notification of the activity of the thousand candles to the police.

"Indeed it is prohibited according to Pergub 228, it is prohibited, but our tolerance limit is set at 18.00 WIB which means 6 pm. But this is tolerance until 20.09 WIB. We have appealed for a persuasive approach so that (they) leave the HI roundabout. If you violate it, there will be sanctions," he said.