Police Headquarters: 7 Forensic Doctors Handle Brigadier J .'s Re-Autopsy

JAKARTA - The National Police said there were seven doctors involved in the autopsy process of Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. They are doctors from the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association (PDFI).

"From the Indonesian Forensic Medicine Association, I have received information about seven people," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Friday, July 22.

However, the identities of the seven doctors involved in Brigadier J's autopsy were not detailed. It was only confirmed that they were experts in the forensic field.

In addition, the autopsy process will be carried out directly in Jambi. The goal is to avoid the risk of spoilage. Because, if the body is brought to Jakarta it will take a longer time.

"I don't know their names by heart, there are several professors there who are experts in their fields, especially forensics, they will attend," said Dedi.

It's just that until now it has not been ascertained about the exact time of the re-autopsy process.

Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J died at the halfway house of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta, on Friday, July 8.

So far, Brigadier J's cause of death is said to have been involved in a shootout with Bharada RE.

But the family believes there is suspicion of premeditated murder behind it. So, report the allegations.

Based on the results of the case, Bareskrim upgraded the status of the suspected premeditated murder from investigation to investigation.