According To Research, This Is The Danger Of Breathing Too Often

YOGYAKARTA – When we undergo a tough task or a difficult exam, we often take a deep breath without realizing it. It turns out, according to psychology, there are more bad things than just relieving or complaining about the severity of the challenges that must be passed. According to a review by Elke Vlemincxis, assistant professor in health sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the emotions that accompany these deep exhalations are negative, such as feelings of fear, anxiety or stress. But it can also be a positive, uplifting emotion, such as joy or desire.

Sometimes, we also complain when we feel emotional, right? Launching Psyche, Friday, July 22, some of us assume by sighing, then pressing the 'reset' button for the body. But scientifically, exhaling or sighing is defined as a deep breath or deep breath in. Research in the early 1960s, examined rodents and then in humans. The study showed that exhalation has an important function in protecting the lungs.

If people just breathe with the same volume of lungs all the time, then the alveoli or small air sacs in the lungs will collapse. This will stiffen the lungs and impede the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Therefore, deep inhalation often makes the alveoli fully expand. This makes the lungs flexible again and restores gas exchange.

Illustration of the benefits and bad effects of sighing (iStockphoto)

The effect of this 'reset', regulates breathing and keeps us healthy, writes Vlemincxis. In addition, it is also useful directly on the emotional state. The picture, when we are stressed, muscle tension gradually increases and our breathing becomes irregular. These changes can be countered with a sigh. The benefits can stretch the respiratory muscles, reduce muscle tension in the body, reduce respiratory irregularities, and restore oxygen and carbon dioxide levels when they are too low or high. It means philologically, sighing leads to a feeling of relief.

A number of studies have found positive benefits from exhaling. But apparently, these benefits are only experienced when done spontaneously. The reason is, there are studies that test a number of participants after taking a math test. Participants were asked to breathe deeply, and the results were not as significant as deep breathing when done spontaneously.

Among the positive benefits, exhaling excessively was also a risk of hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is a condition in which the level of carbon dioxide in the body is low. This condition causes dizziness, palpitations, feelings of anxiety, shortness of breath, and pain.

As with anything else believed, anything in excess is bad. Excessive deep breathing is one of the diagnoses for people who experience chronic anxiety, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Sighing very often is also associated with depressive symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. But it is not certain whether the opposite applies, excessive deep breathing affects a person's psychology in social aspects.