PLN Restores Electricity Network Affected By PLTD Kambajawa Fire In East Sumba

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) Main Unit for East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has restored electricity damage due to the burning of the Kambajawa Waingapu Diesel Power Plant (PLTD), East Sumba Regency, Sumba Island.

"We have moved quickly to normalize electricity supply again after the fire of the PLTD Kambajawa," said Marketing Manager of PLN's Sumba Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3), Natanael Purba, as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 22.

He explained that the PLTD Kambajawa caught fire on Thursday, July 21, but the cause was still being investigated.

After the fire, efforts to extinguish the fire were carried out immediately until Thursday night.

Currently, said Nathanael, several areas affected by the blackout have started to light up again, including the KM 8 to KM 16 area in Waingapu.

Parts of the Matawai, Rada Ata, Kemalaputi and Payeti areas, as well as vital points, namely the Umbu Rara Meha Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Imanuel Hospital and the Lindimara Christian Hospital which are priorities, have also been lit.

He apologized to the public or customers for the fire accident.

He ensured that PLN would continue to move quickly for a gradual recovery.

Natanael added, currently PLN is also relocating a 500 kilo Watt (kW) mobile ganset from PLTD Seba, Sabu Raijua Regency, a 100 kW mobile ganset from PLTD Kupang, and a generator engine from Adonara Island, East Flores Regency with a capacity of 2/200 kW to Waingapu. .

This relocation process takes time so he asked for understanding from the community for the inconvenience in accessing the electricity supply.

"We ask for your prayers and support so that this process runs smoothly so that the electricity supply for the community can return to being more reliable," he concluded.