Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Collaborates With 50 MSME Workshops For Training On Converting Fuel Motors To Electricity

JAKARTA - The program to convert 1,000 units of motorcycles that drive fuel oil (BBM) into electric motors in accordance with the set targets continues to be strengthened.

Apart from being one of the efforts to achieve net zero emission in 2060, this program is also to reduce the burden of fuel subsidies that must be borne by the state.

"In 2021, 100 units of BBM motors have been converted to electricity and this has been carried out by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources from motors owned by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, this year we are stepping up to 1,000 units," said Director of Energy Conservation, Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation ( Directorate General of EBTKE), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Luh Nyoman Puspa Dewi to the media, Friday, July 22.

According to him, the government wants to set an example for the community to create an electric motorcycle market.

Currently, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has collaborated with Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) workshops to conduct training on the conversion of fuel motors to electricity. Cooperation with component manufacturers is also carried out to obtain economical component prices.

"At least 50 SME workshops have been trained for the conversion program of 1,000 motor units for this year. To obtain the economic value of components, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has also collaborated with component manufacturers such as PT Chengko Harapan Nusantara, PT Baja Elektrik Motor and PT Industri Battery Indonesia, with This collaboration is expected to be able to localize the conversion component with affordable economic value," he explained.

Sripeni Inten Cahyani, an Expert Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in the Electricity Sector, added that the BBM-to-Electric Motor Conversion Program was a follow-up to the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 related to the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program (KBLBB).

"At an internal meeting on June 21, 2022, the President gave an introduction that the acceleration of the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT), starting from hydro, wind, solar power plants, in parallel with the conversion of fuel-based vehicles to electricity-based vehicles, acceleration of the electric vehicle program to electric stoves directed by the President, prepare regulations or regulations related to electric vehicles (EVs)," said Inten.

Inten added that President Joko Widodo agreed to increase the use of EVs for public transportation and determine cities for pilot projects.

For the pilot project, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta is encouraged as a pilot city because the Traffic Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya is also ready to the end of the amendment of its letters.

"The President also gave directions to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources' proposal regarding used motorcycles to become electric motorcycles, so that the scope is wider, not only examples so that the maximum calculation of conversion from used motorcycles to electric motorcycles is expected. The President hopes that this program will run massively and of course we realize that we cannot stand alone without the help, participation, cooperation with other ministries and institutions, this is joint work," he concluded.