The Toll Road To Soetta Airport Is Jammed, A Number Of Airlines Allow Passengers To Reschedule

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) informed aircraft passengers with departures from Soekarno-Hatta Airport on Tuesday, November 10 that they can reschedule or reschedule.

This followed a congestion on the toll road to Soetta Airport, Cengkareng, Tangerang, due to the full crowd picking up Rizieq Shihab.

Acting Senior Manager Branch and Communication at Soekarno-Hatta Airport Haerul Anwar, this decision was taken after his party coordinated with stakeholders including airline service providers.

"The airline's policy is an anticipatory measure so that airplane passengers can continue to travel at different times," said Haerul in a written statement, Tuesday, November 10.

As for a number of airlines that have confirmed ticket holders today can reschedule, namely Lion Air, Batik Air, Garuda Indonesia, and Citilink.

Haerul Anwar said that currently there were adjustments and engineering of traffic around the Soekarno-Hatta Airport area related to the hectic pick-up of Rizieq Shihab.

Previously, the Ministry of Transportation confirmed to reschedule flight hours at Soekarno Hatta Airport, today. The airport is paralyzed due to access to the airport which is totally jammed.

Director General of Air Transportation Novie Riyanto, who was contacted by VOI, said the flight schedule was delayed by 3 to 4 hours due to total traffic jams. "Everything was delayed, 3-4 hours," said Novie, Tuesday, November 10.

He ensured that the focus at this time was to serve passengers as well as possible.

"This must be coordinated, the slot must be regulated. The important thing is that passengers are served as well as possible, hopefully it will not have much impact, only delay," he said.

Meanwhile, the Marketing and Communication Department Head of Jasa Marga Metropolitan Tollroad, Irra Susiyanti said Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedijatmo in the direction of Soekarno-Hatta Airport jammed. This congestion has even reached kilometers 27 + 600 or about 7 kilometers away.

"The tail of the queue has reached Km 27 + 600 (7 km). This is due to the congestion that occurred at Soekarno-Hatta Airport since 04.00 WIB, which affected Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedijatmo Toll Road," Ira said in his written statement. told reporters, Tuesday, November 10.

In order to overcome this congestion, Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad has coordinated. Furthermore, in an effort to unravel the congestion of road users who were on their way to the airport it was turned around.

"For road users who are on their way to the airport, the u-turn is turned around 30 + 800 kilometers," he said.

Meanwhile, for vehicle users who are heading to Soekarno-Hatta Airport, they should use other routes to avoid congestion.

"Jasa Marga urges road users who are going to Soekarno-Hatta Airport to use alternative routes, remain careful, obey the speed limit for driving on toll roads," said Ira.