Commemoration Of 1 Suro Involved, 1 Bule Buffalo In Surakarta Palace Died, 7 Exposed To PMK
JAKARTA - A 20-year-old buffalo or Caucasian belonging to the Surakarta Palace in Central Java died from exposure to mouth and nail disease or FMD on Thursday, July 21. The buffalo is one of the Caucasians involved in the 1 Suro commemoration in Surakarta.
"One dead, female buffalo. In fact, two weeks before we anticipated, Sinuhun had sent me to Mahesa's cage to ask the srati (buffalo handler). We have also coordinated with the Dispertan (Food and Agriculture Security Service), the doctor came to check, "said Deputy Pengageng of Sasana Wilopo at the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace, Dani Nuradiningrat, in Solo, Friday, July 22.
He said, from the results of the examination about a week earlier, there were no signs of buffalo being exposed to FMD.
"But yesterday it was found that one was dead, checking indicated that the PMK was in the west cage. We have three cages, west, east, and in Sitinggil," he said, according to Antara.
Furthermore, after re-examination, it was discovered that there were seven other buffaloes who were also exposed to FMD. The Surakarta Palace currently has 18 Caucasians.
"For the seven tails, we carried out treatment and preventive measures to the affected cages because the incubation of FMD was very fast. It was estimated that the veterinarian could transmit it through humans," he said.
Regarding the plan for the 1 Muharram night carnival which usually involves Kebo Caucasians, he said, a decision will be made in the near future.
"Still waiting, every day a doctor comes to check. Maybe (for the 1 Muharram carnival) it can be taken from another cage. The decision to approach Sura is based on the doctor's recommendation," he said.
Meanwhile, Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the 1 Muharram or 1 Suro night carnival would be seen in the near future.
"So far it's been allowed, but if we see that Caucasians have been affected by PMK, we'll see first. For this year, it can actually be festive, including in Mangkunegaran," he said.