Former BTPN Employee Who Stole Rp26.7 Billion Of Semarang Regional Cash On Trial For Money Laundering

SEMARANG - Former employee of the National Pension Savings Bank (BTPN) Diah Ayu Kusumaningrum has begun trial in the alleged money laundering case resulting from corruption in the Semarang City regional treasury fund that cost the state Rp26.7 billion.

Public Prosecutor Emanuel Yogi Budi Ariyanto in a trial at the Semarang Corruption Court charged the defendant with cumulative charges.

The defendant Diah Ayu has been found guilty in the case of a criminal offense involving the Semarang City regional treasury fund which was not deposited into the country, causing state losses.

"There is a state loss of Rp. 21.7 billion that has not been returned by the defendant," he said in a trial chaired by Chief Justice Kukuh Subyakto, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 21.

The state losses enjoyed by the defendant are alleged to have been transferred in the form of property assets or motorized vehicles under the names of the defendants themselves, their families, or other parties.

The cumulative indictment submitted by the prosecutor itself was divided into the purchase of assets between 2008 and 2010 which was charged with Law Number 35 of 2003 concerning the crime of money laundering.

While in the second indictment, the defendant was charged with Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the crime of money laundering for the purchase of assets from the proceeds of corruption in the period 2010 to 2014.

There are also a number of assets suspected of originating from the proceeds of corruption, including several plots of land in Yogyakarta and Semarang, apartments, houses, and motorized vehicles.

On the charge, the defendant and his legal adviser will not file an objection and ask for the trial to be continued with the examination of witnesses.

Diah Ayu Kusumaningrum was sentenced to 12 years in the case of burglary of Semarang City Government Regional Treasury funds, Central Java, amounting to Rp26.7 billion.

Diah Ayu is BTPN's "personal banker" whose job it is to manage deposits from taxes and levies.

The case of the burglary of Semarang City Government Regional Treasury funds itself resulted in state losses of up to IDR 21.5 billion.