The Doctor Said, In Order To Maintain Dental Health, You Don't Have To Wait 8 Hours To Brush Your Teeth

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Dental Association (PB PDGI) drg. Usman Sumantri, M.Sc. recommends that people routinely brush their teeth after eating as soon as possible, especially not more than eight hours because it has the potential to cause plaque.

“Don't wait eight hours to brush your teeth, especially after eating. If that's done, I'm sure it won't happen (cavities)," Usman quoted ANTARA, Thursday, July 21.

He explained that dental plaque is formed from food residue that sticks to the teeth. Food residue that is not cleaned will turn into a sticky or soft coating if left for more than eight hours.

If the soft layer is not removed, the plaque will harden and be difficult to remove. Usman said the plaque is filled with bacteria that can damage the enamel or the outermost layer of teeth. This condition can cause cavities.

In addition to brushing their teeth, Usman also recommends that people check their dental and oral health conditions to the doctor at least every six months, even though there are no special complaints. According to research, he continued, people tend to experience the addition of cavities in the teeth within six months if they do not take care.

Usman said cavities are the most common dental and oral health problems encountered in Indonesian society, with an estimated 70 to 78 percent. He said cavities become a serious problem if not handled properly.

"It's a hole, he's silent, then food comes in, then the hole gets bigger, it can hit a nerve. If it gets hit by a nerve, the tooth will die after a long time," he said.

Usman said that dead and untreated teeth also have the potential to cause other health problems, such as triggering kidney or heart problems, especially when coupled with reinforcing factors.

In addition to cavities, other problems that are commonly encountered include the condition of missing teeth. According to the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018, the average age of 35-44 years Indonesian people have lost two teeth and on average at the age of 65 they have lost 11 teeth.

"You can eat chocolate, you can eat ice cream, but brush your teeth at least twice. That's the suggestion. Before bed and after breakfast. Just that. Don't take more than eight hours, later it will settle," said Usman.