Happy Birthday Makassar, Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda Wishes The Momentum To Advance The City

MAKASSAR - Candidate pair number 3 in the Makassar Pilkada, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (DILAN) delivered a greeting for the 413th Anniversary of Makassar. This year's Makassar anniversary is called special because a democratic party is currently underway which will determine the direction of the development of the capital city of South Sulawesi.

Deng Ical, Syamsu Rizal's nickname, said that the Makassar City Anniversary is a momentum to restore the glory of the region which was once one of the centers of the maritime economy. To make it happen, it needs synergy from all parties, including the community, to build a city nicknamed Angin Mamiri.

"Congratulations on the 413th Anniversary of Makassar City, the city of warriors and brave men, as well as the city we love so much. This anniversary should be a momentum to restore the glory of Makassar City. Let's get together, together we create Makassar City of Sombere ', a city that is progress and develop and the people live in prosperity, "said Deng Ical in a written statement, Monday, November 9.

The 413th Anniversary of the City of Makassar has the theme New Adaptation Towards Investment and Tourism Gates. Deng Ical said that the theme was in line with DILAN's vision and mission and program, where his party had prepared a special strategy to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, both from health and economic aspects.

"DILAN has three pillars to realize Makassar, the City of Sombere 'and a series of programs to restore the glory of Makassar City. All of this will begin and go hand in hand with the efforts to tackle Covid-19 which is a common concern," said this Muhammadiyah cadre.

Meanwhile, doctor Fadli - Fadli Ananda's close nickname, added that the 413th Anniversary must be interpreted as a commitment and movement to create a more advanced and developed Makassar City. He is optimistic that the glory of Makassar City will be realized if it is led by a figure who can embrace all groups. Doctor Fadli said that synergy and collaboration is the key to accelerating regional progress and development.

"Restoring the glory of Makassar City can only be done if we all work together. We can no longer close our eyes, deny millennial voices, if they are involved in development, believe and believe they can make extraordinary contributions. Now, DILAN is here with this real movement of collaboration. , all must take part in development, "said Fadli.