PPI Analysis On Danny Pomanto's Electability Under 50 Percent And Challenger Momentum In The Makassar Pilkada

MAKASSAR - Executive Director of Indonesian Public Parameters (PPI) Ras MD said that the Makassar Pilkada is a momentum for the challengers to defeat M Ramdhan 'Danny' Pomanto as the former mayor of Makassar. Because Danny Pomanto's electability, who is paired with Fatmawati Rusdi, is predicted to stagnate.

Ras MD provides an analysis of a number of surveys in recent times. The electability of Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati, known as the Adama pair, is said to be superior but not yet convincing.

According to him, the incumbent's electability could never exceed 50 percent, which indicates that candidate number 1 is not yet strong.

"Yes, the incumbent Makassar is not the incumbent mighty as I often say from 2019," said Ras MD in a written statement, Monday, November 9.

Electability in the range of 40 percent for Ras MD shows a figure that is far from strong incumbents. In fact, according to him, the electability of the incumbent must be above 50 percent.

"That's a number below the magic number of a strong incumbent. Even what I want to say, the conclusions of my survey findings from mid-2019 to the present are in sync with the recent releases of various survey institutions, which neither national nor local survey institution has placed. the incumbent Makassar reached 50 percent, "said Ras MD.

With this condition, the opportunity for challengers called Race MD is wide open. There were three Adama's challengers in the Makassar Pilkada namely Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda and Irman Yasin Limpo-Zunnun NH.

The remaining one month before the election on December 9, continued Ras MD is very crucial.

"Just look at the real action of an EA (Erwin Aksa) who wanted to go down directly to criticize Danny's (DP) programs in the early period. Starting from the problem of garbage, bus stops to various infrastructure projects. Of course, critical action by EA will have a negative impact on the electoral of the DP-pair. Fatma, considering that Makassar is dominated by rational voters, this voter group likes data and facts, "he explained.

The remaining time before the election for the Makassar Regional Head Election, the candidates according to Race MD will be at work. This effort will affect the incumbent.

"Downgrading the incumbent's electability will be carried out simultaneously by the challengers. Capitalizing the incumbent's failed program to primordial issues will become a narrative that continues to be echoed by the challenger group until the day of H. Of course the effect is very bad for the incumbent," he said.