Joko Tjandra Crying At The Pinangki Prosecutor's Session, Judge: Be Patient, Prosecutors, Have Tissues?

JAKARTA - The public prosecutor presents Joko Tjandra as a witness for the accused Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasri in the case of alleged gratification of the Supreme Court's fatma.

In his testimony, Joko Tjandra could not help crying. Joko could not contain his tears as he sat on the bench as a witness.

Joko Tjandra's crying incident began when Joko Tjandra was asked to tell the beginning of this case. The case has dragged two Police Generals and a Prosecutor.

To the judge, Joko expressed his confusion over the case that caught him first. Namely the case of Bank Bali collection rights. So, when the confusion hit, Attorney Pinangki, Rahmat, and Anita Kolopaking came to him. There they discussed the Bank Bali collection rights case.

Joko continued, after the meeting, namely on November 19, he appointed Anita as his legal attorney. Joko left Anita up to take care of a judicial review (PK) at the South Jakarta District Court.

Meanwhile, Pinangki and Andi Irfan Jaya introduced themselves as consultants on November 25. They said they could help with the problems that ensnared him.

"There Andi introduced as my consultant to Anita," said Joko Tjandra during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 9.

This is where Joko Tjandra's tears began to fall. He also was silent to ease his sadness for a few moments. Her eyes looked teary.

Even so, he still tried to finish the story he had started. Joko mentioned all the efforts made to resolve this issue.

"I said please I would be happy as long as there is a solution because I want my PK process and this problem, 20 years sir," he said while holding back tears.

Even though he tried to get up from his sadness, apparently Joko couldn't do it. So, the panel of judges immediately took over and gave a signal to the prosecutor to give the tissue.

"Be patient, prosecutor, do you have a tissue?" said one of the judges.

Until finally, the judge decided to postpone the trial. This is because the time shows at 17.55 which is the time of evening prayer.

Joko Tjandra is a fugitive in the case of transfer of rights which resulted in the replacement of Bank Bali creditors worth Rp904 billion which was handled by the Attorney General's Office.

The Attorney General's Office detained Joko Tjandra from 29 September 1999 to August 2000. However, a judge at the South Jakarta District Court ruled that he was acquitted of charges because his actions were not criminal but civil.

In addition, the AGO submitted a PK against Djoko's case to the Supreme Court in October 2008. Finally, the panel of judges sentenced Djoko Tjandra to two years in prison and had to pay Rp. 15 million. Joko's money at Bank Bali Rp.546.166 billion was seized by the state.

Until finally he was arrested in Malaysia, on Thursday, July 30. So far, Joko Tjandra has been named a suspect in several cases. Where, some of them have entered the trial process.