Rolf Buchholz Breaks World Records For Similar Demons

JAKARTA - A man won a world record for having 516 extreme body modifications, including magnetic implants and scarification.

Rolf Buchholz, an IT professional from Dortmund in Germany, got his first tattoo when he was 40. Since then, he has never stopped changing his body.

Rolf's transformation includes 453 piercings on his face and body, as well as massively covering 90 percent of his body.

However, his most notable feature were the two subdermal horn implants on his forehead.

Rolf shows off his modification in a Guinness World Records clip as he reveals the most painful tattoo he has ever had.

Rolf's body was covered by a portrait of a woman. The 55-year-old said he experienced excruciating pain when he got the tattoo on his palm.

Symbol-like tattoos stuck to all of his five fingers, with large graphics covering the entire palm of his hand.

"My tattoo that hurts the most is the tattoo of my palm. I can show it to you, look," said Rolf as quoted by the Daily Star, Tuesday, November 10.

"It really hurts," he added.

Rolf Buchholz when he got his first tattoo (Photo: GWR)

Rolf previously set a world record for the number of piercings. When counted officially, the number stands at 453 - including 158 around her lips and 37 on her eyebrows, as well as 34 on both ears.

With features such as horns, a split tongue and inked eyes, Rolf was called a 'demon' and was even denied entry in Dubai in 2014.

He said he was barred from entering the Islamic city by Emirati officials who fear he is practicing black magic.

Since then, he has added six horn-like implants on his wrists and magnetic implants on his hands.

"Modification of the body only changes the outside of me, but not myself. I'm still the same person," said Rolf.