Caprice Bourret And Husband Take Advantage Of The Lockdown Period To Improve Sexual Life

JAKARTA - Caprice Bourret's husband is one of the few people who have enjoyed lockdown in Britain. The reason is, he has more time in the bedroom with his sexy wife.

Model and entrepreneur Caprice uses the lockdown period to improve his sexual life with Ty Comfort. Not surprisingly, Ty was thrilled when the second lockdown period was announced.

Caprice, who married Ty last year after dating since 2011, said: “My husband is very happy with lockdown two! There's a big celebration at Caprice and Ty's house, believe me! It's a way to get out my frustration.

“It's easy for us to be complacent, so I put on a nice dress, I do my hair and make up my face and I go out with my husband - in our house, after the kids sleep.

“We had dinner and (drank) a bottle of wine and you know what happens next!

"I put in a real effort and it was fun, it made me feel good. So here we go again, lots of date nights, lots of dressing up."

Back in March, while appearing on a Jeremy Vine show, Caprice called for Britain to lock down and tell people to wear masks.

Although Caprice proved to be speaking more sensibly than any government adviser, he was ridiculed and criticized endlessly for his comments.

“All I do is look at other countries that control the virus like Taiwan and Singapore - what are they doing? I think it makes sense, "said the 49-year-old woman quoted by the Daily Star, Monday

“But I was completely ignored. I'm not jealous of Boris (Johnson, British Prime Minister), but I think there were some bad decisions made. "