Hajj Pilgrims Still In Saudi Arabia Asked To Stay Calm Not To Worry About News Of Congregants Exposed To COVID-19

MEKKAH - The hajj committee asked the pilgrims in the Holy Land to remain calm and not to worry about the information that a number of hajjis were exposed to COVID-19 upon arrival in the country, but were asked to adhere to health protocols.

"So you don't have to worry because when they are tested positive for an antigen, they will immediately handle it, but most of our pilgrims have implemented health protocols," said Head of the Public Relations, Data and Information Bureau, Akhmad Fauzin in Jeddah, as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 20.

Likewise with the families of pilgrims in the country, he said. there is no need to worry about the condition of the pilgrims who are on the pilgrimage, whether they are still in the Holy Land or on their way back to Indonesia.

Fauzin appealed to Indonesian pilgrims to always comply with health protocols by continuing to wear masks at every opportunity, especially in public places when with other pilgrims, both at the Grand Mosque and at the Prophet's Mosque.

According to him, masks must also be worn during flights on planes until debarkation.

Maintaining health protocols, wearing masks, washing hands, avoiding crowds that are too close, he said, were part of the effort to avoid being exposed to COVID-19.

Fauzin also reminded the congregation not to travel outside the pilgrimage city. This is so that the congregation can still maintain stamina and not get tired. Because, if you are tired, your stamina and immunity decrease, so you can be exposed to disease.

The Ministry of Health issued a new policy regarding antigen testing for all pilgrims upon arrival at debarkation. This policy was issued after a dozen people from 14,393 Indonesian hajjis were reported positive for COVID-19 after being checked upon arrival at the homeland hajj debarkation, since the beginning of their return on July 15, 2022.

A total of 14 hajj pilgrims, consisting of 13 from Surabaya and one from Solo, were confirmed positive for COVID-19. Symptoms that arise from infection with SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 are all mild, so the patient care procedure according to the current health protocol is self-isolation.