Duh! Write The Word "Loser" On Twitter The Emergence Of Donald Trump's Account

JAKARTA - At the euphoria of Joe Biden's victory as the elected president in the 2020 presidential election of the United States (US). Unfortunately, the incumbent presidential candidate Donald Trump did not want to accept his defeat.

On the other hand, many Twitter users have found Donald Trump's account to appear at the top of people's searches using the word "loser". Likewise, when netizens try to search for the word "winner" which then displays Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the search results.

Twitter search results (Buzzfeed)

Many have speculated that the search results were made by Twitter. But according to a Twitter spokesperson, this is due to platform activity that curates certain words which are then linked to one another leading to such searches.

"If an account is frequently mentioned next to certain terms, they can appear algorithmically together as an association. This association is temporary and always changes based on the way people Tweet," said a Twitter spokesman as quoted by Buzzfeed, Monday, November 9.

A similar phenomenon occurs on Google when people search for the word "winner". In incognito or incognito mode, the first search result will be auto-filled with the "winner of election 2020".

So far, Twitter has led its users to the search column which contains a collection of news and trending topics related to the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election. Likewise, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have updated Joe Biden's victory information page.

In fact, this is not the first time netizens have found a search for Donald Trump's account with certain words. A number of Twitter users have also found Trump's account that appears in the top search column of people when writing the word 'racist'.

Search for the word rasist on Twitter

On the other hand, because Trump lost to Joe Biden in the 2020 US Presidential Election, this means that Donald Trump will also lose his privilege on Twitter, which allows accounts like Trump and presidents around the world to have policies to protect.

These privileges include the right to convey information or newsworthy freely, without worrying about suspension or bans from Twitter if the tweet violates the rules. But with Trump's defeat, of course if he is caught in the future, Twitter might freeze the account at any time.