The Prosecutor's Office Will Appoint A Treasurer For The Salary Of The Ternate Educational Education Suspect For Alleged Corruption In The 2015-2020 Civil Servant Salary.

TERNATE - The Ternate District Attorney's Special Crime Team (Pidsus) conducted a search at the Ternate City Education Office (Disdik), North Maluku (Malut), on Wednesday 20 July, at around 10.30 WIT.

Head of the Special Crimes Section (Kasi Pidsus) Fajar Hidayat said the forced effort was to find various documents related to the alleged criminal case of corruption in the salaries of civil servants/ANS at the Ternate City Education Office in 2015-2020.

The search was based on an Investigation Order of the Chief of Ternate's Attorney Number: PRINT-558/Q.2.10/Fd.2/07/2022 dated 19 July 2022. Including a Search Order of the Chief of Ternate's Attorney Number: PRINT-559/Q.2.10/Fd .2/07/2022 dated July 19, 2022.

The search started from the office of the Head of Service to the room of the Head of the Middle School and the Head of the Elementary School and several documents were immediately secured and confiscated to be taken to the Ternate Kejari Office.

Fajar said that in the near future the investigation team from the Special Prosecutor's Office of Ternate City would determine the treasurer of the Ternate Education Office's salary as a suspect.

The determination of the suspect is related to the alleged corruption case of fictitious salaries of hundreds of millions of rupiah from 2015 to 2020 and the determination of the suspect of fictitious salaries awaiting the results of state financial calculations from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Representative of North Maluku.

Previously, based on an Antara report, the Coordinator of Supervision for Investigations, Her Notoraharjo admitted that the calculation of state financial losses in the case of embezzlement of the Ternate Education Office salary was still in the review stage.

Regarding the evidence and the assignment, the audit will begin, said Her, if there is sufficient evidence of irregularities or abuse of authority and the calculation of state financial losses.