Foreigners From India Are 'evicted' By Kediri Immigration Because Of Excess Residence Permits

JAKARTA - A foreign national (WNA) from India was deported or expelled by the Class II Non-TPI Immigration Office in Kediri, East Java for violating the applicable regulations to stay in Indonesia beyond a residence permit or "overstay".

"Previously there were foreigners reported by Timpora members who were then responded to by the Intelligence and Enforcement Section of the Kediri Immigration Office by sending several members to follow up on the report, then coordinating with the Jogoroto Police, Jombang to secure and arrest the foreigner," said the Head of the Immigration Office. Class II Non-TPI Kediri Erdiansyah reported by Antara, Kediri, Monday, November 9.

He said that the foreigner from India was a man with the initials SI. The person concerned was secured by a joint team on Wednesday, November 4 at around 15.00 WIB at his residence, Karangrejo Hamlet, Alang-Alang Village, Jogoroto District, Jombang Regency.

The arrest, he continued, was carried out because SI had overstayed more than 60 days from the deadline for the residence permit granted. He was taken to the Kediri Immigration office for further examination.

"For further examination, SI and all documents are brought to the Kediri Immigration Office," he said.

From the results of investigations that have been carried out by officers, it is known that SI came to Indonesia using the Free Visit Visa (BVK). In accordance with the rules of Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2016, that foreigners are given a stay permit for 30 days.

The person concerned has come to Indonesia since December 11, 2019. With that, until now SI has stayed outside the provisions, for approximately 11 months.

SI, he added, came to Indonesia with the intention of visiting his wife who was sick. Currently, his wife has passed away. However, after his residence permit period ended, SI did not immediately return to his home country.

Due to violating the provisions, SI will be deported by officers to his country. In fact, he is also on the blacklist.

SI is entangled in Article 78 paragraph 3 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, namely foreigners holding a residence permit whose validity period has expired and still living in Indonesia more than 60 days from the time limit of the residence permit so that SI is subject to immigration administrative measures in the form of deportation and deterrence. .

"This afternoon SI will be deported to his country of origin and then he will be banned from entering Indonesia," said Erdiansyah.

He also revealed that Kediri Immigration officers would also oversee the deportation process of SI. The plan is for him to be deported by traveling from Surabaya to Jakarta, then transit in Dubai before arriving in Chennai, India.

"Our officers will take the person concerned to Jakarta, then SI will fly to India via Dubai with Emirates 357," said Erdiansyah.

Until now, the Kediri Immigration Office has deported four foreign nationals, the majority because they exceeded their residence permits. Kediri Immigration will also coordinate more intensively with Timpora, to help monitor foreigners in the Kediri Immigration area.