After KING, RAFI And DEWI, The Stock Exchange Will Arrival Of Prospective Public Companies With Stock Codes BUAH And CRAB

JAKARTA - The Indonesia Stock Exchange will continue to welcome prospective companies that will release their shares to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) mechanism. After listing 26 shares of newcomers, now there are still around 37 companies that are already on the queue list.

As stated by the Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) I Gede Nyoman Yetna, Tuesday, July 19. Nyoman said that of the 37 queuing lists, the most or nine companies came from the non-cyclical consumer sector and eight from the consumer cyclical sector.

Meanwhile, the rest came from various sectors. Starting from basic materials, to infrastructure. "However, the name of the prospective listed company cannot be submitted to the public until it gets a publication permit from the Financial Services Authority (OJK)," said Nyoman.

Even so, on the site, there are already several names that have started the public offering period. Several others have just received a pre-effective IPO permit.

Stock code

From the existing list, the newly emerging candidates for public companies are PT Segar Kumala Indonesia Tbk and PT Toba Surimi Industries Tbk. Both have just received a pre-effective IPO permit and will start the initial offering period today (Wednesday, 20 July).

The two companies will also add to the list of unique and easy-to-remember stock codes for investors. For example, PT Segar Kumala Indonesia Tbk which will receive the stock code BUAH.

The stock code could be an option because Segar Kumala is a company engaged in fruit trading.

Likewise, Toba Surimi will receive the CRAB stock code. Toba Surimi is a company engaged in the freezing, processing, preservation, and wholesale trading of fishery products and beverages.

In addition to BUAH and CRAB, previously there were also stock codes RAFI owned by PT Sari Kreasi Boga Tbk which was the manager of the Kebab Turki Babarafi franchise, DEWI owned by PT Dwi Shri Farmindo Tbk, to KING owned by PT Hoffmindo Cleanindo Tbk.

With a stock code that is easy to remember, it is possible that these companies will attract investors' attention. The record is, of course, as long as the financial performance and fundamentals support it.