Central Mamberamo Regent Escapes To Papua New Guinea, KPK Denies Due To Leaked Information

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) denies that there was a leak of information that caused the Regent of Central Mamberamo Ricky Ham Pagawak to flee to Papua New Guinea. The escape is referred to as an effort that is often carried out by corruptors.
"KPK confirmed that the issue of the suspect's escape from the forced pick-up by the investigative team due to information leakage is not true," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Tuesday, July 19.
Corruption suspects handled by the KPK, continued Ali, often evade in various ways. For example, running away from investigators like Ricky did to hiding their assets.
Moreover, Ricky is considered to have known his status as a suspect from the Notice of Commencement of Investigation (SPDP). This is thought to be the reason for the Democrat Party politician to run away.
In fact, the SPDP was given not only because of the prevailing laws and regulations but also to make the suspect cooperate in carrying out further legal processes.
"Once again, the KPK regrets that the related parties have taken uncooperative actions," he said.
"This action will certainly hamper the legal process and take a long time. Even though the KPK is always committed to resolving every corruption case openly, effectively and efficiently," Ali continued.
As previously reported, the KPK will forcibly pick up the Regent of Central Mamberamo, Ricky Ham Pagawak, who is suspected of being involved in alleged bribery and gratification related to project implementation. However, he instead fled to Papua New Guinea via the rat route. Currently, Ricky has been on the wanted list (DPO). To conduct a search, the anti-corruption commission also summoned a number of people suspected of helping the Democrat Party politician's escape.