Mahfud MD: Masyumi Can Be Declared Again Because It Is Different From PKI

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD does not question the re-declaration of the Masyumi Party which was dissolved in 1960 because the party is not a prohibited party.

"Masyumi is not a banned party but a party that Bung Karno asked to disband. It is different from the PKI which was clearly declared a banned party," Mahfud said as quoted by VOI on his Twitter account @mohmahfudmd, Monday, November 9.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) explained that the Masyumi Party was dissolved in 1960 by Soekarno through the Law on the Prevention of Religious Abuse and / or Blasphemy (PNPS) because he was accused of being involved in the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) rebellion movement.

Apart from Masyumi, at that time another party was also asked to disband because of the same accusation, namely the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI). After that, the Masyumi Party had refused to carry out its dissolution because the figure accused of being involved in the movement was no longer in the party structure.

Even so, the government through the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) Wirjono Prodjodikoro still issued a fatwa containing Masyumi and PSI still had to disband according to PPNS.

However, Mahfud said, the dissolution was considered contrary to the constitution. This is consistent with the petition issued by Wirjono, 6 years after President Soekarno left office.

Moreover, Mahfud is convinced that the Masjumi Party, which has just been declared, will have no organizational link with the old party which was disbanded for decades.

"If there is another Masyumi, of course there will be no organizational connection with the previous Masyumi," he said.

It is known, the Masyumi Party declaration event was held at the Da'wah Council Building, Central Jakarta on Saturday, November 7 yesterday. The reading of the declaration was led by A. Cholil Ridwan, the Head of the Preparatory Efforts of the Islamic Ideological Party (BPU-PPII).

"We, the undersigned, declare the reactivity of the Indonesian Islamic Political Party called 'Masyumi'," Cholil said in a virtual declaration as quoted from CNNIndonesia.

In this declaration, the Masyumi Party promised to fight for the sake of implementing Islamic teachings and law in Indonesia through Masyumi. In addition, they also announced the candidates for the Masyumi Party Syuro Council.

The candidates for the Syuro Council include; former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Adviser Abdullah Hehamahua, former Minister of Forestry Malam Sambat Kaban, MUI Wasekjen Tengku Zulkarnain, Cultural observer Ridwan Saidi, to Kiai Abdul Rosyid Syafei.

Masyumi was originally declared in 1945. This party was an association of various Islamic organizations in various regions in Indonesia during the Japanese colonial period such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, Perti, PSII and others. They were allowed to revive the Indonesian A'la Islamic Council (MIAI) by the Japanese Army on 4 September 1942.

Then after the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, on November 3, 1945 through Government Declaration No. X, the government recommends forming political parties. So political parties were born and one of them was Masyumi.

Masyumi was founded by several Islamic figures such as Agus Salim, Abdul Kahar Muzakhar, Soekiman Wirosandjojo, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Muhammad Natsir and others. According to the Masyumi Articles of Association passed by the KUII in 1945, they have the aim of upholding the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and the Islamic religion and implementing Islamic ideals in state affairs.

Furthermore, in 1960, President Soekarno once banned the Masyumi Party. The regime at that time accused this party of protecting the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI).

Soekarno then issued Presidential Decree No. 200 of 1960 dated 17 August 1960 to dissolve this party. Subsequently, on September 13, 1960, the Masyumi Central Executive declared that the Masyumi Party was dissolved.