TNI AD Utilizes 200 Hectares Of Land In Tebo, Jambi Governor: Let's Collaborate To Maintain Food Security

JAMBI - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), General Dudung Abdurachman, monitors areas prone to forest and land fires (Karhutla) in Jambi Province.

On that occasion, the Army Chief of Staff also inaugurated the use of land in the Kodam II/Sriwijaya area in Rifle Company B, Tebing Tinggi Village, Tebo Tengah District, Tebo Regency, Jambi.

Jambi Governor Al Haris said he was grateful to the Army Chief of Staff for taking the time to come to Jambi.

"He has so much experience in various fields. Now he is helping the Jambi community in the food sector", said Haris who accompanied the Army Chief of Staff.

In 2014, Haris said, the Jambi Provincial Government received a program from President Joko Widodo for food, rice, corn, and soybean security.

At that time, he continued, Jambi Province could be self-sufficient in rice, corn, and soybeans.

"In fact, at that time the price was good, this needs to be repeated", said Haris.

Haris then invited the community to cooperate with the TNI in anticipation of food security in the region.

"Let's collaborate between the Indonesia Army (TNI), the government, and the community to work together in maintaining regional and national food security", he said.






Meanwhile, the Army Chief of Staff said that the clearing of land for food security in Tebo Regency was an implementation of the order.

In addition, the Army Chief of Staff said, this is a tangible manifestation of the Indonesian National Army in fully supporting the food security program and helping local governments ensure the availability of national food reserves. This is at the same time anticipating if at any time there is a food crisis.

The Army Chief of Staff added that there are more than 200 hectares of Indonesian National Army land in Tebo Regency which will be opened and utilized as agricultural land.

"This is a very big contribution to the overall economic development", said Army Chief.

The Army Chief of Staff has also ordered units within the Indonesian Armed Forces to cooperate with the local government, particularly the agriculture service, to use vacant land into productive land by planting productive crops, such as rice and corn, so that the results can be beneficial for improving the welfare of the farming community and soldier.