The Decision Of The National Police Chief To Disable The Head Of The Propam Division, Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo Rated Right

JAKARTA - Political analyst and Director of IndoStrategi Research and Consulting, Arif Nurul Imam, believes that the National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo temporarily deactivated Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo from his position as the Head of the Propam Police Division. Arif said in Jakarta, Tuesday 19 July, that the Kapolri's decisive step would make it easier for the joint team to investigate the case of the police shooting the police at the Propam Headquarters Office which killed Brigadier Nopryansyah Yosua Hutabarat. The deactivation of the Propam Head of Division will certainly make it easier for the joint team to carry out investigations and investigations," he said in a written statement. This can be achieved. The investigation into the police shooting case, said Arif, is at stake for the credibility of the Police. Therefore, the step of the Chief of Police to disable the Head of the Propam Division can make the investigation of this case transparent and justice can be realized. he said.

Arif appreciated the initiative and breakthrough of the National Police Chief by forming a special team to uncover this case and inviting an external team to be involved in the investigation of the case. produce a thorough and fair investigation," he said. Listyo Sigit Prabowo has deactivated Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo from his position as Head of the Division of Provision and Security (Kadiv Propam) of the National Police starting Monday, July 18. According to Sigit, this decision is to anticipate news speculations that will arise which will have an impact on ongoing investigations. So far, the commitment to maintain objectivity, transparency and accountability can be maintained so that the current series of investigations can be carried out properly and make this incident clear," said the National Police Chief.