AGO Names 5 Corruption Suspects For BFC Krakatau Steel

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has named five suspects in a corruption case against the Blast Furnace Complex (BFC) project by PT Krakatau Steel in 2011.

"The investigative team has found sufficient evidence and named five suspects," said Attorney General ST Burhanuddin as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 18.

The Attorney General mentioned the five suspects, namely Ir. FB as President Director of PT Krakatau Steel for the period 2007-2012, ASS as Deputy Director for Strategic Projects for PT Krakatau Steel for the period 2010-2012.

Then Ir. MR as Project Manager of PT Krakatau Engineering for the period 2013-2016, Ir. BP as the President Director of PT Krakatau Engineering for the period 2012-2015, and HW alias RH as the Head of the Blast Furnace Project Preparation and Implementation Team in 2011 and the General Manager of the PT. KS 2013-2019 period.

The Attorney General explained that PT Krakatau Steel (KS) in 2007 approved the procurement of the BFC factory with the winning contractors being the MCC CERI consortium and PT Krakatau Engineering which is a subsidiary of PT Krakatau Steel, but the procurement was carried out against the law.

"What should have been MCC CERI did the construction as well as the financing, but in reality it was financed by a domestic consortium or himbara with the contract value for the BFC factory construction with an acceptance system according to the initial contract of IDR 4.7 trillion until the 4th addendum swelled to IDR 6.9 trillion. , said Burhanuddin.

"Furthermore, the results of the current work cannot be utilized because it is not feasible and there is work that has not been completed," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) at the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, in his official statement, explained that FB was held in city detention for 20 days, while ASS and MR were detained at the Salemba Rutan at the Attorney General's Office for 20 days, and BP and HW were detained at the Attorney General's Office. Class 1 Rutan Salemba Central Jakarta for 20 days.

The suspects were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Law.

"In this case, 119 witnesses have been examined. In addition, documents related to BFC project planning, BFC project procurement, BFC project implementation, payments to vendors, syndicated bank financing and other related documents have also been confiscated. Meanwhile, searches were carried out at the Office of PT Krakatau Steel in Cilegon Banten and PT. Krakatau Engineering," said Kapuspenkum.

The suspect was seen leaving the lobby of the Indonesian Attorney General's Round Building and entering the Indonesian Attorney General's car with a pink vest at 16.14 WIB.

Earlier on Monday (4/7), the AGO's JAM-pidsus team investigated the President Director of PT Krakatau Wajatama with the initials H, where PT Krakatau Wajatama is a subsidiary of PT Krakatau Steel.