Hundreds Of Police Alerted To Guard The Initial Session Of MSAT Alias Mas Bechi Defendant Of Sexual Abuse

SURABAYA - Hundreds of personnel from the Greater City Police (Polrestabes) Surabaya, East Java, were alerted to maintain security at the trial of alleged sexual abuse with the defendant Mochammad Subchi Azal Tsani MSAT alias Mas Bechi at the Surabaya District Court.

Kabagops Polrestabes Surabaya AKBP Toni Kasmiri said as many as 405 personnel had been alerted for this security.

"This security is carried out to maintain conduciveness in the field," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 18.

The security is carried out in three rings consisting of ring one, ring two, and ring three including closed security.

"So far there have been no reports that could disturb the conduciveness," he said.

In the Cakra Room of the Surabaya District Court, the trial with the defendant MSAT was conducted behind closed doors. Surabaya District Court security officers were seen standing at the door of the room to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the room.

MSAT is suspected of having molested female students at the Shidiqiyah Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, East Java.

After being named a suspect, the East Java Regional Police had difficulty arresting the MSAT suspect because he was rejected by the students at the local Islamic boarding school.

Several times police officers wanted to arrest the suspect but always escaped because of resistance from local students.

This case became increasingly public spotlight after East Java Regional Police officers deployed a thousand personnel to comb the interior of the Islamic boarding school to arrest the suspect.

Until finally, the suspect gave himself up and was detained at the Class I Rutan Surabaya in Medaeng, Sidoarjo, East Java.

In a closed trial, MSAT underwent an online trial while remaining in the detention center of the Medaeng Rutan.

The trial of the molestation case with the defendant MSAT, the son of the leader of the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School, was deliberately not held at the Jombang District Court. The trial was held at the Surabaya District Court for reasons of security and conduciveness.