Sunda Empire, A Suspicious Unregistered Group In Bandung

JAKARTA - After the emergence of the Keraton Agung Sejagat in Purworejo, Central Java, the Sunda Empire group emerged in Bandung. The two of them are busy talking on social media. Keraton Agung Sejagat is already dealing with the law, because there is an element of deception in the formation of this palace.

Meanwhile, the Sunda Empire is being investigated by the relevant authorities. The leader of the Sunda Empire is known as Raden Ranggasasana. According to them, this group is an empire that manages the earth and the sun. They also claim that the center of world government originates in Bandung.

Head of the National and Political Unity (Kesbangpol) of Bandung City, Ferdi Ligaswara, said that from the results of his investigation, Sunda Empire did not register as a community organization (ormas) or a group in the city of Bandung.

"Administratively, the Bandung city government through Kesbangpol, SE (Sunda Empire) is not registered," said Ferdi to VOI when contacted, Monday, January 20.

Separately confirmed, the Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations Kombes Saptono Erlangga Waskitoroso said the police were currently providing instructions and information regarding the group. He could not provide further statements regarding the group's existence.

"It is being explored. After the examination was carried out, it was discovered. It is still being investigated awaiting the results," said Erlangga.