Having A Mission To Develop Kalimantan, Bung Karno Once Designed Palangka Raya To Be The Capital Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - Secretary General (Sekjen) of the PDI-P DPP Hasto Kristiyanto said Indonesia during the leadership of the first President Soekarno or Bung Karno had a vision of developing the island of Kalimantan.

"Indonesia in the Bung Karno era had a vision to develop Kalimantan, with the aim of making Indonesia the strongest country in the world," said Hasto, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, July 17.

According to him, apart from seizing West Irian from Dutch colonialism, according to Bung Karno, Kalimantan was also the center of attention.

"Kalimantan became the center of Bung Karno's attention so that Indonesia became the strongest country in Asia. For a whole year, Bung Karno studied Kalimantan," he added.

In Bung Karno's analysis, he continued, Indonesia's national defense is divided into two forces in two broad lines, namely maritime defense in Eastern Indonesia, with Biak being the center of the fleet, and air defense in Kalimantan.

By looking at the great potential in Kalimantan, he said, the hegemony of Indonesia's air defense forces in maintaining air security is placed in Kalimantan, as a very important and strategic area.

"In Kalimantan, Palangka Raya City was designed to be the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia (at that time). The road design was made straight and led to a large roundabout similar to Washington DC, United States of America," he said.

The construction of the road was extended to fourteen lanes to allow for landings of Soviet-made MiG21 aircraft. In addition, Bung Karno also nationalized various foreign-owned mining companies, where the results from the mining industry were used for education, health, and public welfare.

"Bung Karno hopes that in 1975 Indonesia will become the strongest nation in Asia and become one of the superpower countries outside of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, Japan and China," he explained.

Unfortunately, he said, the entire strategic concept faded after the 1965 events and Indonesia's leadership declined internationally.

"In fact, previously because of Indonesia's active role, Asian-African nations, the majority of whom are Muslim, were independent because of Indonesia's role," he said.