Minister Sandiaga's Strategy To Strengthen MSMEs And Millennials Through Training And Innovation

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno provided training to hundreds of participants from SMEs, millennials, to mothers, at the Food Headquarters, Jalan Joesoef Dalie, West Wongkaditi, Gorontalo City.

Training on processing corn into milk and pudding taught to participants to create new innovations for entrepreneurship.

Sandiaga also hopes that the training can be an added value and increase new job opportunities.

"Gorontalo Province is known as a corn producer, corn processing and this training, I hope the added value is felt by the community. If the added value increases, job opportunities are opened so that the income is felt by the community, this is where the economy moves," said Sandiaga in a written statement, Saturday, July 16.

Access to marketing is quite difficult for MSMEs to make them stagnate in sales. In this way, Sandiaga provides a way out for mothers by means of promotional assistance.

"We have a solution at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, I have experience in presenting a solution so that we help these women promote, we open the network, and one day their income will increase," said Sandiaga.

Meanwhile, one of the MSME actors, Yukemi Botutihe, revealed that with the training held, the participants could rise from adversity in their economy.

"Alhamdulillah, this will help us, who in fact are already in a slump in the economy. God willing, in the future we will make sure this develops, because we have been assisted by promotions by Mr. Sandi and that is very helpful," said Yukemi.