Meeting At G20, Sri Mulyani And US Minister Of Finance Janet Yellen Discuss Issues Of War To Food And Energy Crisis

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is said to have held a meeting with US Finance Minister Janet Yellen in the series of the G20 agenda this week in Bali. During the talks, the two state treasurers discussed environmental, food and energy issues.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the importance of concrete and technical steps, not limited to the conceptual realm, to support the implementation of shifting the use of power plants to environmentally friendly energy sources, which requires large financing.

"One of them is through the Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) policy which has been initiated and launched by Indonesia and the World Development Bank (Asian Development Bank/ADB)," he said in an official statement on Saturday, July 16.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and Minister of Finance Yellen agreed to underline that the consequences of geopolitical issues that have not yet experienced de-escalation are the causes of the ongoing food and energy crisis.

This is because the various impacts caused by the conflict in Ukraine are one of the triggers for the continued soaring world energy prices, and cause challenges to the global economy.

To overcome this, various policy options need to be discussed so that world oil supply is maintained and world oil prices can return to pre-conflict levels.

"The handling of the food and energy crisis in the world must be accelerated because actually anyone has the right to access affordable food and energy," he said.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani will discuss the proposal to be discussed together with the relevant ministers in charge of the energy sector.

Meanwhile, this week's G20 agenda in Bali is the third meeting of the FMCBG to try to contribute in dealing with various major problems in the world.

The agenda carried by Indonesia as President of the G20 is clear evidence of the significance and relevance of its role in achieving global economic recovery together, in line with the direction of this year's leadership theme, namely Recover Together, Recover Stronger.