Google, Netflix And WhatsApp Threatened To Be Blocked By Kominfo In 4 Days

JAKARTA - At the end of last June, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) reminded private foreign or domestic Electronic System Operators (PSE) to immediately register.

Because in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology No. 3 of 2022 which was signed on June 14, 2022 regarding the Effective Date of Registration of Private Scope Electronic System Operators, the deadline for registration of private sector PSE both domestic and foreign will end on 20 July.

If the foreign or domestic PSE has not registered until the deadline set, the Ministry of Communication and Information will terminate access, after receiving a request from the competent Ministry or Institution.

This means that the time is getting closer to the deadline for registration. As far as VOI is monitoring as of July 16, big names such as Netflix, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Google have not been listed on the list of foreign PSEs who have registered.

That means, in about four days, the application mentioned above is in danger of being blocked. For the blocking stage itself, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will first identify which PSEs have not registered.

After that, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will coordinate with the relevant ministry agencies in the eradication sector. After checking and coordinating with related institutions, Kominfo will communicate to the relevant PSE asking for an explanation. If there is no explanation from the related party, then they will block access to the service.

There are several other well-known brands that have recently been listed on foreign PSEs, including Glance, Michat,, and many more.

Currently, the total private sector PSE both foreign and domestic is 5,661. Of which 5,579 are domestic PSEs and 82 are foreign PSEs.