Stimulating Financing Growth, Bank KB Bukopin Establishes Memorandum Of Understanding With KB Finansia Multi Finance

JAKARTA - Carrying the theme "One KBFG Indonesia", Bank KB Bukopin has carried out a series of collaborations in the form of signing a memorandum of understanding with KB Valbury Sekuritas and Valbury Capital Management on the previous day on July 5, 2022, KB Bukopin Management continues to move quickly by realizing cooperation with KB Finansia Multi Finance. The signing was carried out on Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at the Head Office of Bank KB Bukopin.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was attended by representatives from the management of Bank KB Bukopin, namely Mr. Woo Yeul Lee as President Director, Robby Mondong as Deputy President Director, Mr. Jin Bum Kim as Strategic Director, Yohannes Suhardi as SME Director, Helmi Fahrudin as Operations Director, Agustinus Iwan C. as Corporate Strategic Division Head, Zico H. as Consumer Division Head, and related Department Heads.

Meanwhile, the management of KB Finansia Multi Finance was attended by Mr. Yap Tjay Hing as CEO Mr. Joohyun Hwang as Vice CEO, Mr. Kisup Wi as CFO, Hery Susanto Dermawan as Deputy COO, and Mr. Sea Hwan Lah as Business and Marketing Advisor.

"We hope that customers of Bank KB Bukopin can use multipurpose financing to finance business capital, house renovations, education costs, or even vacations through KB Finansia Multi Finance. We believe that with this joint commitment we will always improve the quality of service for customers by developing systems and networks that are integrated," said Deputy President Director of Bank KB Bukopin Robby Mondong in a statement, Friday, July 15.

"With the entry of several KB Group companies in Indonesia, "One KBFG Indonesia" is a good start to help each other and continue to try to provide new ideas until we become one financial group in Indonesia that is subject to the provisions in force in Indonesia, especially OJK," added one of the management of Bank KB Bukopin.

The CEO of KB FMF added at the signing ceremony of the MOU, that this signing was aimed at exploring mutually beneficial cooperation for both parties based on the OJK Regulations for Financial Services Institutions for Banks and Non-Banks and supported by the ability of the Kookmin Group and the wishes of both parties. parties, it is hoped that this collaboration will work

For information, the banking intermediation function continued to grow at the end of 2021 and Bank Indonesia in its report at the end of January 2022 stated that banking credit distribution in December 2021 was recorded at Rp. 5,755.7 trillion and is projected to increase to 7-9 percent in 2015. 2022.

According to KB Bukopin's Corporate Strategy Group, the Memorandum of Understanding will further detail the cooperation plan for each product and service in a Cooperation Agreement between the two parties. Currently, KB Financial Group is trying to collaborate with all affiliated companies under its control in Indonesia as one stop financial services. They hope this can provide added value for customers

and company.

According to data from the Indonesian Association of Financing Companies (APPI), in line with the continued recovery in the economy, the quality of multi-finance loans continues to show improvement. This can be seen from the Non Performing Financing (NPF) or the ratio of bad loans which touched the level of 2.78 percent, the lowest after 25 months.

For multi-finance companies, NPF multifinance has been one of the most affected in recent years considering the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the NPF of finance was at the level of 2 percent in March 2020 at 2.82 percent, up from the previous month at 2.66 percent.

"The recovery of people's purchasing power has also rekindled the needs of individuals and business actors for funding sources, including financing. This has brought the multi-finance industry to show a positive trend of recovery since late 2021. KB Bukopin sees this as an opportunity to develop business through affiliated companies of KB Financial Group," concluded Robby.

PT Finansia Multi Finance is a finance company that was established on June 9, 1994 (operating under the brand name KreditPlus). On July 3, 2020, PT Finansia Multi Finance merged with KB Kookmin Card, part of the largest Financial Group in South Korea and changed its name to PT KB Finansia Multi Finance.

Currently, PT KB Finansia Multi Finance focuses on multipurpose financing services for various kinds of electronic and furniture products, and loan funds with vehicle BPKB collateral (motorcycles and cars) for various needs.

One of the strategies is to collaborate with e-commerce channels through an integrated system in order to provide the best service to consumers in conducting online transactions without a credit card.

Carrying the principle of "Online Shopping Without Credit Cards", PT KB Finansia Multi Finance also reaches new consumers who transact online through a well-known and trusted e-commerce channel.