In Response To Macron's Statement, Vice President Ma'ruf: There Is No Single Religion That Tolerates Terrorism

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said there is no single religion that suppresses acts of terrorism and violence against religious communities.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in response to French President Emmanuel Macron's statement which triggered the turmoil of protests in various Muslim countries, including Indonesia.

"(Macron's) statement cannot be justified, because there is no single religion that certainly tolerates terrorism. Therefore, religion is a religion, (while) terrorism is terrorism. So actually that thing can also cause anger from many parties," he said. Ma'ruf Amin in his statement reported by Antara, Jakarta, Friday, November 6.

According to him, freedom of expression, including in expressing opinions, is indeed part of democracy and the rights of all citizens of the world, but this freedom should not harm the honor and sanctity of religious values and symbols.

"Expression must not injure the honor and sanctity of religious values and symbols, because once again it cannot be justified and must be stopped," said Ma'ruf.

The protests against the French president came after Macron called Islam a religion that is experiencing a worldwide crisis. Macron's statement was made after two acts of terrorism were triggered by the cartoon polemic of the Prophet Muhammad in France.

President Joko Widodo also strongly criticized Macron's statement, saying the French president's remarks had hurt the feelings of Muslims around the world.

"Indonesia also strongly condemns the statement of the French President which insults Islam, which has hurt the feelings of Muslims around the world," said Jokowi.